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OpenComRTOS GoedelWorks
Meet and share your views on ARRL with Altreonic
The ARRL (Assured Reliability and Resilience Level) criterion we presented a few weeks ago at the SASSUR/SAFECOMP workshop for the first time was generally well received and appreciated as a new way to look at safety and systems engineering. Of course, a new concept never emerges alone and also in the standards one can find approaches going in the same direction (SEooC, tool qualification, IMA, etc.). We also received very helpful critical remarks and we appreciate this as turning the ARRL criterion into a really usable and normative tool for engineering still requires serious thinking and refinement.
This process is on-going and you can meet and discuss with Altreonic at following upcoming events:
1. ADCSS workshop at ESTEC (Noordwijk)
The 7th ESA Workshop on Avionics Data, Control and Software Systems will take place from 22 till 24th October. This workshop discusses scientific as well as technical choices to be made to achieve a greater reuse of on-board electronics and software. Details can be found at the ESA website.
2. ICSSEA 2013 Conference (Paris)
Sponsored by AFIS (the French Association for Systems Engineering) and INCOSE, co-organized by TELECOM ParisTech, CS Communication & Systems, and the Génie Logiciel, the 25th edition of the ICSSEA Conference (International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications) will be held in Paris on November 4-6, 2013. It aims at providing a critical survey of the status of tools, methods, and processes for elaborating software & systems. Details can be found at the ICSEEA website.
Dr. Bernhard Sputh of Altreonic will present "From safety integrity level to assured reliability and resilience level for composable safety critical systems".
3. IEEE ISSRE 2013 Symposium (Passedena)
The 24th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering will take place November 4-7 in Passadena, CA, USA. More details on the ISSRE website.
Eric Verhulst will present the ARRL criterion in the Industry Papers track.
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