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OpenComRTOS Designer

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OpenComRTOS support for Synopsis' ARC processor cores

Altreonic has now developed a first port of its OpenComRTOS Designer™ to the ARC family of processor cores of Synopsis, extending further the range of supported processors. This work was done in the context of the Artemis CRAFTERS project that focuses on the design and programming challenge of developing applications with many- and multicore architectures. 

New Application Note on OpenComRTOS Designer

This is the third publication in the Gödel Series. The publication was written as an application note and shows how OpenComRTOS Designer can be used as a simulation as well as a development environment while keeping the source code. This is achieved by way of the transparent programming model that allows considering a network of processors as a virtual single processor one. The application note applies it to the development of a skid steering controller.

The application note demonstrates how Altreonic's OpenComRTOS Designer allows for embedded software developers of heterogeneous distributed systems to cross develop and simulate their application on a PC environment and seamlessly transfer their code to the target hardware. To this end a Microsemi Evaluation Kit is utilised as the target hardware for a hub motor skid steering based speed controller of an Electric Personal Mobility Device.



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